The Male and Female Functional Wellness Panels from Precision Point Diagnostics are a highly complete look at a patient’s well being.
These panels are an excellent way to start and track any patient’s journey to optimal wellness. It contains a CBC and Chemistry Screen, so you can ensure that your patient is not suffering from anything urgent or life threatening. It also puts you on your path to wellness by including a complete hormone profile, thyroid panel, as well as nutritional markers such as Vitamin D, folate and B12.
Low levels of B12 are associated with pernicious anemia (megaloblastic anemia), malabsorption syndromes, inflammatory bowel disease, fish tapeworm infestation, primary hypothyroidism, loss of gastric mucosa (as in gastrectomy and resection), Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, blind loop syndromes (bacterial overgrowth), vegetarian diets (dietary insufficiency), and folic acid deficiency. Iron deficiency may be present in some patients (e.g., gastrectomy). ~ Lower levels of B12 can occur when there is gastric distress, such as with decreased enzyme production or SIBO which will utilize B12 before it is absorbed. Lower levels are also associated with fatigue, certain anemias, decreased focus, and depression.
Click play below to hear Dr. Cheryl Burdette, ND explain how to interpret vitamin B results on our wellness panels and how to detect patterns across vitamin testing.
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