P88 Dietary Antigen Testing QA with Dr. Cheryl Burdette
Listen to Dr. Burdette answer questions about the Precision Point Diagnostic P88 Dietary Antigen Test and analyze case studies presented by participating practitioners.
The P88 Dietary Antigen Test is one single test combining IgE, IgG, IgG4, and complement (C3d) reactions to 88 of the most common foods found in the diet. The P88 Dietary Antigen Test was the first test on the market to measure and report immune complexes containing C3d. Complement activation is well-defined in the research as not only a cause of inflammation, but one of the strongest causes.
A highly comprehensive test of immune reactions, Precision Point Diagnostics P88 Dietary Antigen Test helps you identify and address food allergies and food sensitivities in patients with chronic illness. Overt IgE-mediated food allergies can lead to hives, anaphylaxis, or digestive issues while delayed food sensitivities (IgG and IgG4) are linked to sinus problems, acne, gas, bloating, fatigue, constipation, autism, irritable bowel syndrome, and even depression. Identifying and eliminating food sensitivities can also assist in the healing of intestinal permeability.
P88 Dietary Antigen Test results can lead to more precise treatment plans and better patient outcomes. Studies show that patients given an elimination diet based on the results of our food allergy and sensitivity testing experienced fewer headaches and less abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. Knowing exactly what foods your patient reacts to can help to avoid unnecessarily restrictive diets and treatment protocols that inadvertently expose your patient to his or her reactive foods.
The P88 Dietary Antigen Test interpretive report includes more restrictive and less restrictive elimination diets as well as analysis of immune reactions by food groups. This customized report not only helps the clinician use at-a-glance results in clinical practice but also better ensures patient compliance
Watch Dr. Burdette answer questions below:
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