Are Your Adrenals Fatigued?!? (The Advanced Adrenal Stress Test by Precision Point Diagnostics)
Stress Could Be A Cause of Your Patient’s Illness
Precision Point Diagnostic’s Adrenal Stress Test measures 4-point cortisol, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), and secretory IgA (sIgA) in a convenient saliva specimen. Cortisol has been found unbound in saliva samples, indicating a strong correlation to cortisol concentrations in serum. Checking patients for low or high cortisol over the course of the day is essential to address fatigue, insomnia, thyroid disorders, or weight gain. However, adrenal function, officially known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, impacts many other systems and symptoms in the body. Low cortisol levels may cause blood pressure dysregulation, irritability, hypoglycemia, anxiety, depression, and difficulty coping with life’s challenges.
Knowing exactly what your patient’s cortisol levels are throughout the day helps you customize an effective treatment to bring the cortisol curve- or circadian rhythm- back into balance. Findings from the Adrenal Stress Test can help to balance DHEA, a precursor hormone for estrogen and testosterone. The test also gives information about salivary sIgA, a critical player that prevents infection at the mucosal lining.
A First-Line Test for Overall Health Assessment
Save resources with this profile by identifying and treating only the patients who have adrenal dysfunction. For patients who have normal cortisol, DHEA, and sIgA, you can instead investigate and address other root causes of their fatigue, mood disorders, or thyroid dysfunction. Many clinics find the Precision Point Adrenal Stress Test to be a fundamental test, important for baseline assessment of all new patients.
Watch the short video below by Dr. Cheryl Burdette to learn more!
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North Carolina Integrative Medical Society Grand Rounds March 15, 2025 9-11 AM