The information provided here is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition. It is for educational purposes only. All clinical decisions should be made by a clinician with clinical correlation.
The following table assesses each of the panels offered by Precision Point Diagnostics that might have some bearing on the those infected by the COVID virus. Each panel is analyzed for the component testing that may be relevant, and why. Possible modes of treatment for each item is offered for your consideration, although this is for educational purposes only. All decisions for treatment are the decision of the practitioner.
As COVID can affect many systems in the human body, there are a number of panels that Precision Point Diagnostics that might have some relevance. In addition, those patients that suffer from “long COVID” might benefit from tracking analytes found on many of these panels. Aside from those who have had COVID, many of the same analysis of analyte tracking reproduced below may also have relevance for patients infected with other types of viral infections, particularly those that potentially involve complement cascades.

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