Please fill out each field completely. *Precision Point does not accept business from New York State. Clinic InformationFacility Name*Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Office Phone*FaxOffice Email* Company Website URL*Industry*IndustryAlternativeAnesthesiologistCardiologistDermatologistEndocrinologistFamily PhysicianFunctional MedicineGastroenterologistHolisticInfectious Disease PhysicianInternal Medicine PhysicianMarketing PartnerNephrologistNeurologistNutritionObstetrician/Gynecologist (OB/GYN)OphthalmologistOtolaryngologistOncologistOtherPediatricianPhysician ExecutivePsychiatristPulmonologistRadiologistSales RepresentativeSurgeonVendor / SupplierOsteopathicHow did you hear about us?*How did you hear about us?Sales RepresentativeTradeshowEmail Marketing CampaignCustomer ServiceOtherList Sales Representative, Tradeshow or Other Info*If you selected one of the above from the drop down menu above, list the specific name for the selectionNumber of Patients per Day*Primary Contact InformationPrimary Contact First Name*Primary Contact Last Name*Primary Contact Title*Primary Contact Cell Phone*Do you consent to text message communication?* Yes No Primary Contact Email* Primary Physician DetailsPhysician First Name*Physician Last Name*Physician Title/Credentials*Physician Cell Phone*Do you consent to text message communication?* Yes No Physician Email* NPI # (must have to order with us)*Additional Ordering PhysiciansAdditional Ordering PhysiciansAdd additional clinic physicians. Click the plus sign on the right to add more lines.First NameLast NameTitle/CredentialsEmailCell PhoneNPI # (required) Special RequestsSpecial RequestsProjected SpecimensAllergy & Sensitivity P88 Dietary Antigen Test P88-DIY Dietary Antigen Test Precision Airborne Allergy Medical Wellness Male Wellness Panel Female Wellness Panel Oxidized LDL Oxidized LDL + Lipids Advanced Oxidative Stress Comprehensive Screen Endocrine Complete Thyroid Panel Advanced Adrenal Stress Male Hormone Profile Female Hormone Profile Gastrointestinal Advanced Intestinal Barrier Assessment Comprehensive Stool with Parasitology Helicobacter Pylori Stool Antigen GI360 G-DAP Nutrient & Toxic Load Comprehensive Heavy Metal Urinalysis Amino Acid Amino Acid Profile Billing Preference Note - The clinic may select multiple payment options or restrict the accounts payable to only one option, however each clinic will be required to keep a credit card on file if Clinician pay is selected. Please select all applicable billing preferences below. If you choose to change the methods of payment in the future, you must submit a Precision Point Diagnostics Revisions & Updates form. Billing Preferences* PATIENT PAY - A valid Patient credit card information or check must be received with the Test Requisition. The patient credit card will be charged immediately upon receipt of the specimen for the lab to process the specimen. In the event the credit card is declined, the Report will NOT be uploaded to the Client Portal until full payment is received. Please submit credit card information with the completed requisition. CLINICIAN PAY - A valid Clinic credit card must be on file for all clinics before accepting samples. Any clinics choosing this option will be invoiced at least twice monthly, unless other arrangements have been agreed upon. All invoices are due within 7 days of the invoice date. Any payments received after the 7 day period are considered late. Attention California Clinics: Pass through billing is not allowed in your state. Other Terms & Conditions Checks will deposited immediately. Results are considered released upon upload to the Precision Point Diagnostics Clinician Portal. Any clinics choosing Clinician Pay option will be invoiced at least twice monthly, unless other arrangements have been agreed upon. All invoices are due within 7 days of the invoice date. Any payments received after the 7-day period are considered late. Any late payments, returned checks or declined credit cards will incur a 15% or $35 late payment penalty (whichever is greater). Any negotiated discounts may be permanently suspended due to late payment. Lack of payment in a timely manner will cause a hold to be placed on the account, and new samples will not be queued into production after notification of the "Client Hold" status. In addition, access to the Client Portal will be closed and not reopened until full payment and penalty fees are received. Failure to pay balances in a timely manner, or failure to honor payment arrangements may result in the account being turned over to collections. A test requisition, signed by a Provider and patient, and completed accurately is required for samples to be processed. Each Test Requisition represents a legal contract between the Clinician or Clinic. Precision Point Diagnostics, at its sole discretion, will process the Test Requisition as sent until such time as the Clinic updates or amends the Test Requisition. To make any changes to your account, a Revisions & Updates form must be completed. Note, testing may be delayed if the most up-to-date information is not on file. ORDERING PROVIDER AGREEMENT by signing the electronic signature for the Clinic Account agreement, I indicate that all information is correct. Also, I acknowledge that only licensed healthcare professionals may order laboratory testing for others, and it is my responsibility to abide by any local, state or federal laws that regulate ordering tests for others. PROMPT PAY AGREEMENT By signing the electronic signature for the Clinic Account agreement, I indicate that all information is correct. Also, I understand my specific responsibilities in the payment method chosen. If CLINICIAN PAY selected above, I agree to be financially responsible for payment of all charges associated with this account. PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ