You can opt out as a provider and opt-in for labs and prescriptions.
Healthcare law is confusing, and the logistics of being a Medicare Provider cause many practitioners to opt out of the system. This is understandable, but just because you’ve opted out as a Medicare Provider, doesn’t mean that your patients can’t get coverage for labs and prescriptions that you order- as long as you take the right steps. We’re sharing a piece from Scott Rattigan of Origins Incubator that details how to preserve the continuing rights of your patients to Medicare coverage for their labs and prescriptions when you’ve opted out, and how to restore those privileges if you didn’t choose this option when you opted out. One necessity is that the lab or dispensary participates in Medicare, which Precision Point Diagnostics does (see details of which of our tests are eligible for Medicare submission lower in this newsletter). We’re happy to accept Medicare from providers who have opted out of Medicare as a full provider, but who have remained and ordering and certifying provider. If you need continued support for your practice in the areas of healthcare law, practice management, and clinical and laboratory education, consider joining Origins Incubator.
Check out the blog and video at the link below: